Wednesday, February 9, 2011


I have been texting this guy, and have started to feel something for him.  UP grad, marketing professional, vocal, so cute, vertically challenged.  We went out a couple of times, but things felt superficial.  Perhaps both of us wanted to be socially desirable, so our conversations never went beyond facade level.  Now I am beginning to regret knowing and seeing him.  I figured he is one self-consumed, user-friendly bitch.  I offend him not by portraying him as such.  He himself offered this description, which turned out to be true.  I can't handle a man of excuses at this point.  I am unwilling to go the extra mile and stretch to accommodate an insensitive and unfeeling individual.  So I abort this emotional journey.  He is not worth it.  I'll keep this short.  Kakain pa ako ng ampalaya.